Sunday, November 15, 2024
Place: The Makoy Center
5463 N. Center Street
Hilliard, Ohio
The Archaeological Society of Ohio (ASO), founded in 1941, is the oldest and largest archaeological society in the United States. The Society was organized to discover and conserve archaeological sites and material in Ohio; to seek and promote a better understanding among students and collectors of archaeological material, both professional and non-professional; and to disseminate knowledge on the subject of archaeology. Our membership is made up of people from all walks of life, from every state in the nation, many foreign countries, and includes libraries, historical societies, colleges and universities.
If you are interested in the rich archaeological heritage of Ohio and surrounding areas, we invite you the join The Archaeological Society of Ohio.
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Want to get involved? Come to a meeting! Click to view the ASO schedule >> |
Are you in 4-H? Then check out the new 4-H Project Idea Starter that explores Native American Artifacts: Arrowheads. This project idea starter could help you discover more about artifacts and cultures that existed thousands of years ago! For more information go to 2022还能用的梯子.